Category: etc

  • Friday Cat Blogging

    Here’s the first installment… Billie: Zachary: And now for the bonus round, Friday Vancouver Sea Otter Blogging! (Props to Prof M. for this shot.)

  • Sweety Das Küken and other weird iMemes

    On my last few working trips to Europe, I would tune in to German MTV from time to time. Somehow inanity dubbed or subtitled into German is more engaging than plain old English inanity. But if you watch for more than a few minutes, you will see, endlessly repeated, these bizarre little commercials for special…

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  • There and Back Again

    From the, “Then again, maybe I won’t… department.” Cyberkunk industry insiders have known since December 2004 about plans to re-locate the global headquarters of cyberkrunk Labs, Inc. to Paris. The cyberkrunk corporate communications department reports that cyberkrunk will actually remain in midtown Manhattan. This decision came after detailed analysis of a contract proposal that centered…

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