Category: Technology

  • Firewire audio interfaces & such

    An anonymous friend, who still prefers that quaint old techology, email, writes: I’ve got a tech question for the computer gurus over at krunk audio (that would be you). I’m just assuming you know more about digital audio than I do these days. Is it safe/advisable to run both one’s audio interace and one’s audio…

  • Cascading Style Sheets: some web design evangelism

    From the “It’s-worth-the-drive-to-Acton” department: It’s been a long while since I’ve had religion about web design. But the project I’m undergoing to revamp the cyberkrunk main web site has made me see the light. For several years, my main web site had languished in a cypherpunk-esque anti design. The idea was simple: no graphics, just…

  • Remember Googlezon?

    Dexter writes “…you don’t think I really believe you work for a drug company, do you? EPIC 2014 Now, Dex, I assure you that I have nothing whatever to do with EPIC <evil-laugh src=”muahaha.mp3″>. But like many people, I am anxious about what seems to be our current trajectory towards one mega-monopoly controlling everything. When…
