Brunobaby done tagged me, and now I’m it. I didn’t even know I was in the game! But I’m a good sport, so I’ll play along and, nouvelle vague-style, submit to the interview. Please picture me as a 14-year old Antoine Doinel as I respond.
1) Name a book that you want to share so much that you keep giving away copies.
I usually don’t give away books on purpose, but it, ahem, happens sometimes. Instead, I’ll link to something nice on Project Gutenberg. Something sweet that matches my current mood. How about this?
2) Name a piece of music that changed the way you listen to music.
Schoenberg’s Three Piano Pieces, op. 11. I remember listening to these pieces over and over and then finally, a switch flipped and I heard them differently. Something changed in the way I was perceiving the music, opening the door to what would become my work for the next 10 years.
3) Name a film you can watch again and again without fatigue.
4) Name a performer for whom you suspend all disbelief.
In the age of freedom fries, willing suspension of disbelief is pretty much a pre-requisite for getting up in the morning. If enough people don’t stop believing pretty soon (on a geological scale) and start thinking, we’ll be history.
5) Name a work of art you’d like to live with.
The beautiful Mark Wiener painting we recently acquired that now hangs over our bed. Apart from that, there are any number of Rothkos, de Koonings, Klees, and heck, pretty much anything from the rose and blue periods that would do nicely.
6) Name a work of fiction which has penetrated your real life.
Sorry, I don’t like the patriarchal tone of this question.
7) Name a punchline that always makes you laugh.
As everyone knows, the best punchline ever written is, “It says sprocket, not socket!”
Red rover, red rover, I call The Old Style over! (Happy Birthday!)
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