Month: October 2005

  • The all spins zone

    The engineers at Cyberkrunk Labs need to keep their audio equipment calibrated with contemporaneous vibrations and are therefore always on the lookout for new sonic material. Some recent entries include the Kasabian debut, relatively well received, and the latest Weezer, which was almost spat out. Both Franz Ferdinand discs were recently submitted and the results…

  • Joni said it right

    Watching a fascinating DVD set of Dick Cavett music shows from the ’70s. Joni just came on and sang this, a cappella. She prefaced it by saying, “This is how I feel as a Canadian living in America.” The Fiddle and the Drum And so once again My dear Johnny my dear friend And so…

  • Quack!

    Time of death, Oct 14 2005. And even though it seems like Mr. Bush is well into his second term of office, we have to remind ourselves that it has only been nine months since he had his title upgraded from “President” to President. So what makes me say it’s over? It’s not because Mr.…

  • You can’t always get what you want

    This one comes from Brunobaby: a fun divertimento. You google “–insert your name– needs”, and learn valuable life lessons from the results. Or something. Here’s what Chester needs: Chester needs to develop an educated, flexible and adaptable workforce. Chester needs this. Chester needs a good, well designed building to cover all arts for children, older…

  • San Francisco: An SFO Story

    San Francisco is vying for official status as my second city. At least, my second city in the United States since Paris officially holds the number two spot in my heart (somewhere around the left ventricle, I think). Which makes me quite happy, since for the last eight years I couldn’t conceive of living anywhere…

  • Give ’em heck, Harriet

    The next Supreme Court Justice is disarmingly charming, which I’ve discovered by reading her blog.

  • Jimi got it right

    Rainy day, dream away Ah let the sun take a holiday Flowers bathe an’ ah see the children play Lay back and groove on a rainy day.
