Category: etc

  • What’s up with the blog, anyway?

    As much as I was allured by the ubergeek appeal of running a site based on slashcode,  it  eventually became more trouble than it was worth.  For a couple of reasons, I needed to update my server to the most recent version of Redhat Fedora. Slash only runs on a very specific, and very ancient…

  • Rye, Robot

    From the “two-post-in-one-day!” department: Reading through Eric Asimov’s year end wine wrap-up, I’m more interested his November state-of-the-union column about Rye whiskey. If you’ve never had a Manhattan made with Rye, then you’ve never had a proper Manhattan. Most people seem to prefer them with Bourbon these days, but Bourbon is a little too big…

  • Speaking of mind/body

    Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream; it is not dying, it is not dying. Lay down all thought, surrender to the void; it is shining, it is shining. That you may see the meaning of within; it is being, it is being. That love is all and love is everyone; it is…

  • i, six non-blogs

    From the “extreme-krunk” department: A couple of weeks ago, I woke up in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and this is what I was thinking. In Philosophy in a New Key*, Suzanne Langer writes about static form and dynamic form. For an example of static form, think of a Henry Moore sculpture. And one example of dynamic…

  • Sirenspotting

    All day I hear the noise of sirens making moan. And out of this clutter, you instinctively learn what to ignore and when to prick up your ears. There was a morning about five years ago when the sirens started and just would not stop. I already knew, in the shower, that something was up…

  • In a station of the metro

    About three weeks ago, heading downtown on the 4, I saw a kid who looked to be about 15, wearing a t-shirt that said the following: Things to do today: 1 Your Mother 2 Your Sister

  • New York: HSH

    Many years since I was here, on the street I was passin’ my time away to the left and to the right, buildings towering to the sky it’s outta sight in the dead of night Here I am, and in this city, with a fistful of dollars And baby, you’d better believe it I’m back,…

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  • New York: Double Happiness

    Sometimes, you get lucky and just stumble into a place at 11:00 o’clock on a Saturday night and get the best seat in the house (scroll down to “where to sit”). BA knows what I’m talkin’ about. Yes, DH’s peak has come and gone, but hey, “…cast the first stone.” and all that.

  • Little Stephen

    Stephen Colbert was already well on the way to eclipsing his mentor, Jon Stewart, as the master of fake-but-real news. His performance last night at the White House correspondent’s dinner put him over the top. His routine was scathingly funny, all the more so to everyone watching on C-Span since the audience in the room…
