Category: etc

  • Hey Nagel–not done with you yet!

    The more alert among you will have long ago noticed that the cyberkrunk blog is, at its core, an extended rumination on the mind-body problem in the guise of chatty posts about pop music, restaurants and movies, all expressed in the language of a writing style I invented some time ago called “Gonzo Prufrock”. Since…

  • Nagel on Realism

    Reading Sam Harris’ The End of Faith. While it’s interesting, Harris really seems to go off on the deep end whenever he starts talking philosophy. Some ludicrous stuff on ethics. The he goes off on strawman arguments against relativism and pragmatism. Against pragmatism? Why that’s just un-American! In a lengthy end-note, he quotes Thomas Nagel’s…

  • Today’s Meme

    “Every time you read it or say it, you make another copy in your brain.” Dan Dennett.

  • Seen this weekend

    monkey bar – pam’s real thai – russian vodka room – the whispering gallery in grand central – the campbell apartment (closed, but we snuck a peek) – lombardi’s – bucket of live frogs in chinatown – a nice decanter at crate and barrel (we bought it) – some old port in the best wine…

  • Bits ‘n pieces

    I fly a lot. About 70 segments last year. That being the case, I don’t waste a lot of time at airports. I get there when I need to be there, not any sooner. LGA is part of my extended nervous system. But JFK can still be a bit of a mystery. It’s the damn…

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  • I’m IT!

    Brunobaby done tagged me, and now I’m it. I didn’t even know I was in the game! But I’m a good sport, so I’ll play along and, nouvelle vague-style, submit to the interview. Please picture me as a 14-year old Antoine Doinel as I respond. 1) Name a book that you want to share so…

  • To Daffodils

    Fair daffodils, we weep to see you haste away so soon; as yet the early-rising sun has not attain’d his noon. Stay, stay until the hasting day has run but to the evensong; and, having pray’d together, we Will go with you along. We have short time to stay, as you, we have as short…

  • Billsers

    It was a late fall night in 1994. Living at the time in the cheerily dilapidated, spaciously boho upper two floors of a house on Concorde Avenue in Toronto. Not home long when the doorbell rang. Downstairs, the six-year-old girl explained to me that her kitten was trapped on the roof of the house next…

  • Marion’s Gastrointestinal

    Owing mostly to an administrative error, and, I guess, partially to my “only-dining-below-14th-street” edict that was passed as of late, we ended up having dinner at Marion’s tonight. Now, the thing you have to know about Marion’s is that it has always been a fun place to have a cocktail–a wacky cocktail, that is. I…
