Category: etc

  • To the editors of the New Yorker

    I write reluctantly, and yet with, I feel, an historico-moral imperative to set the record on some key facts. In the first place, my father never visited Kansas with Truman Capote. Indeed, he never set foot in the sunflower state–on this point, there is no doubt. In fact, my father had the curious and somewhat…

  • Let’s Get Fooled Again!

    As we blithely stumble toward a nuclear confrontation with Iran, two more favorite Bush lies were put to rest this week. The first is the absurd notion that “everything’s just great” in Iraq, only Katie Couric and her co-horts in the “Main-Stream-Media” won’t report it. The second is the oft-quoted Bush lie that he “listens”…

  • Paris: Les Grèves

    This just in from our Paris correspondents, K et R: Even buildings and tourist attractions are going on strike!

  • It’s all a popularity contest

    The graph above (click to embiggen) charts the varying popularity levels of three names chosen at random, since 1880. There’s also a popular 4th name thrown in as a control. Care to guess what it is? You can have more fun here. And, if you want to be completely freaked out, go here and look…

  • Two Coyote Stories

    Hal died Thursday night, his captors not really sure why. Nor is anyone sure where he came from, or how he got to Central Park in the first place. Would it have been possible to let a coyote live in Central Park, roaming around forever wild, or the ramble? Howling at night? Could he have…

  • More good things from Austria

    “I never knew the old Vienna before the war, with its Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm.” So begins The Third Man (ranking high on my ten great films list), in which the city itself fills out the ensemble cast. It occurs to me just now that in the course of the film, we…

  • Ignorance and certainty

    Quote from Charles Darwin: “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.” Quote from Bertrand Rusell: “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” Rings true? Then you may be interested in this study: Unskilled and Unaware of It:…

  • Stonewalled again, or Erin go brouhaha

    This year’s award for embarrassing public behavior at the St. Paddy’s day parade goes to none other than parade chairman, John Dunleavy. I’m not sure how many green pints he had downed before offering this explanation of why an Irish lesbian & gay organization is always denied permission to march in the parade: “If an…

  • Clickradio back in the news

    How does that song go, “Do you remember rock-and-roll-Clickradio?” Maybe not quite. Clickradio may have died young, but the fight over the beautiful corpse it left behind continues. The New York Post (ick) reports that a trial opened April 5th in Manhattan Supreme Court to settle whether the company was scuttled to allow a group…

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