Category: News
New Fiction From Writer Nora Maynard
I really love this short story, “Back In The Tudor House” by Nora Maynard. It takes off in an unexpected direction. You can read it at Pangyrus By the time I reached my late parents’ house, the truck was gone. The nicotine-streaked walls were white now and all you could smell was paint. Every four-poster…
Tags: Fiction -
A Glass-Steagall Act For Journalism
I haven’t written anything about politics for quite some time, even though that is more on my mind than probably any other topic during this Trump crisis in America. That will probably change. Along with everyone else I know, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we got to this point and how we can…
Categories: News -
Clickradio back in the news
How does that song go, “Do you remember rock-and-roll-Clickradio?” Maybe not quite. Clickradio may have died young, but the fight over the beautiful corpse it left behind continues. The New York Post (ick) reports that a trial opened April 5th in Manhattan Supreme Court to settle whether the company was scuttled to allow a group…
Politcs and the Schiavo story
Anyone tracking the Schiavo story for the past few weeks is doubtless aware of the now infamous “GOP Schiavo Talking Points memo” which was circulated by GOP leaders on the senate floor around March 18th, and subsequently leaked to and reported by the press in the next few days. Something of a footnote in the…
Categories: News -
From the “things-that-make-Joey-Ramone-cry department…” After the Plaza closes, what’s next? Well, CBGB Might-Be-Going-Bye-Bye. This due to a long-standing rent dispute with the current owners. The Bitter End went through similar gyrations recently, but managed to save itself at the last minute. Let’s hope we see a similar miracle here… This from the NY Times story:…
Tags: Vanishing New York -
New York: The Plaza closing its doors
So we were sitting in the Oak Bar, having cocktails with friends who had traveled from Toronto to see the Gates, when B. said, “it’s a shame about the Plaza closing, isn’t it?” “The Plaza closing?” I replied with my trademark incredulity, “no, you’re probably thinking of the Gramercy Hotel, which just closed to go…
Categories: NewsTags: Vanishing New York -
Welcome to the new site
From the “wow-this-took-longer-than-I-thought-it-would” department: Welcome to the new home of cyberkrunk! As you can see, we have gone completely from one extreme (simple html) to the other (a full-function blog~portal). I hope that everyone finds useful and entertaining stuff here… What should you post here? Well, how about news, upcoming gigs, CD releases, reviews (music,…
Categories: News